Reading Comprehension: Socrates' Defense speech in the Apology








1. Research who is the "god of Delphi," and what particularly important institution was found in Delphi at that time.




2. What was Chaerephon's question and what was the oracle's response to Chaerephon's question?




3. What did Socrates do when he found out what the oracle had told Chaerephon?




4. What made Socrates hated by the Athenian politician and others who were reputed to be wise?




5. What does Socrates suppose makes him wiser than other men?




6. Why did Socrates persist in his questioning and inquiry despite becoming hated?




7. What did Socrates discover about the reputations of men for wisdom?




8. What does Socrates discover when he asks the poets and tragedians about the meaning of their writings?




9. How does Socrates suppose that poets make such wonderful writings without knowledge? How is Socrates found to be superior to the poets?





10. To whom does Socrates turn next, and what does he find out? What common error do all those with whom Socrates speaks seem to make?



11. What do Socrates' accusers mean when they call him "wise"?




12. What does Socrates suppose we can learn from the oracular response about human wisdom versus divine wisdom?




13. What does Socrates mean when he says that the oracle would have us consider Socrates to be "a pattern"?




14. How does Socrates understand what he is doing when he engages in discussions with people? What is his defence against those who accuse him of impiety and of corrupting the youth with his dialectic?





15. What adverse effect has Socrates' disputations had on some of the young people who "enjoy hearing human beings examined"?





16. What three accusations are levelled at Socrates by the parents of the young people who have heard Socrates speaking and questioning?







