Excellent 5

Proficient 4

Satisfactory 3

Limited 2

Poor 1

Thought & Support

When marking, consider how effectively:

the student's ideas reflect an understanding of the topic

the literary example relates to the student's ideas

the support explains and/or clarifies the response

Consider ideas presented in the Personal Reflection on Choice of Characters(s) from Literary Text(s)

An insightful understanding of the topic is demonstrated. The student's ideas are perceptively explored. The literary example is related effectively to the student's ideas. Support is precise and effective.

A well-considered understanding of the topic is demonstrated. The student's ideas are thoughtfully explored. The literary example is related competently to the student's ideas. Support is specific and relevant.

A defensible understanding of the topic is demonstrated. The student's ideas are appropriately and straightforwardly explored. The literary example is related adequately to the students' ideas. Support is relevant but tends to be general.

An understanding of the topic may be evident but is only partially defensible or sustained. The student's ideas may be incompletely or unclearly explored. The literary example is lacking or does not relate adequately to the student's ideas. Support may be deficient, vague, redundant, or marginally relevant.

An implausible conjecture concerning the topic may be suggested The student's ideas are irrelevant, incomprehensible, or unexplored. the literary example is absent or unrelated to the student's ideas. Support, if present, is over-generalized or of questionable relevance.

Form & Structure

When marking, consider how well the student's organizational choices result in

the development and maintenance of a controlling idea or unifying effect

the creation of a coherent, shaped, and concluded discussion in response to the assignment.

A focused controlling idea or unifying effect is skilfully sustained throughout the response. Development of ideas and explanations is smooth and coherent. The response flows to an effective closure.

A controlling idea or unifying effect is sustained throughout the response. Development of ideas and explanations is coherent. The response moves to an appropriate closure.

A controlling idea or unifying effect is evident, but unity may falter on occasion.. Development of ideas and explanations is generally clear and coherent. The response moves to a functional closure.

A controlling idea or unifying effect may be evident, but the response lacks unity Development of ideas and explanations is uncertain, inadequate, or incoherent. The response may not arrive at an appropriate closure.

A controlling idea or unifying effect is absent. Development of ideas and explanations is unclear and ineffective. The response closes ineffectively.

Matters of Choice

When marking, consider how well the student's choices enhance communication: Diction, including connotative language, imagery, idiomatic expressions, and dialect; syntax, including parallelism, balance, inversion, sentence length, and variety; the contribution of stylistic choices to the creation of voice.

Diction is precise and effective. Many sentences have been successfully structured for effect and are sometimes polished. Stylistic choices contribute to the creation of a convincing voice.

Diction is specific and generally effective. Many sentences appear to have been purposefully structured for effect. Stylistic choices contribute to the creation of a competent voice.

Diction is appropriate but may be general rather than specific. Sentence structures are generally straightforward and clear. Stylistic choices contribute to the creation of a clear voice.

Diction is imprecise and/or inappropriate. Sentence structures are frequently ineffective and/or awkward. Inadequate stylistic choices contribute to the creation of an uncertain or unclear voice.

Diction is inaccurate and/or over-generalized. Sentence structures are misused to such an extent that clarity suffers. A lack of stylistic choices contributes to the creation of an ineffective voice.

Matters of Correctness

When marking, consider the correctness of:

sentence construction (completeness, consistency, subordination, coordination, predication); usage (accurate use of words according to convention and meaning); grammar (subject-verb/pronoun - antecedent agreement, pronoun reference, consistency of tense); mechanics (punctuation, spelling, capitalization)

Consider the proportion of error in terms of the complexity and length of the response.

This writing demonstrates confident control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics. The relative absence of error is impressive considering the complexity of the response and the circumstances.

This writing demonstrates competent control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar and mechanics. Minor errors in mechanics, grammar, and/or complex language structures are understandable considering the circumstances.

This writing demonstrates control of the basics of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics. There may be occasional lapses in control of sentence construction and usage, and/or minor errors in grammar and mechanics. The communication, however, is clear.

This writing demonstrates faltering control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics. The range of sentence construction problems and errors in usage, grammar, and/or mechanics blur the clarity of communication.

This writing demonstrates lack of control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics. The unclear and incorrect sentence constructions and jarring errors in usage, grammar, and mechanics impede communication.





Excellent (10,9)

Proficient (8,7)

Satisfactory (6,5)

Limited/Poor (4,3)

Insufficient (INS)

Ideas & Impressions

-quality of ideas

-exploration of topic

-effectiveness of support

The student's perceptions are insightful and carefully considered. Support is precise, purposefully chosen, and strongly connected to the student's ideas and impressions.

The student's perceptions are thoughtful and considered. Support is relevant, detailed, and clearly connected to the student's ideas and impressions.

The student's perceptions are appropriate but may be generalized. Support is adequate and generally connected to the student's ideas and impressions.

The student's perceptions are superficial or ambiguous. Support is imprecise, unclear, and/or vaguely connected to the student's ideas and impressions.

The student's perceptions are underdeveloped or incomprehensible. Support is lacking, inappropriate, or unrelated to the student's ideas and impressions.


-effectiveness of voice

-quality of language & expression

-development & unifying effect

The student's voice is engaging and the tone is confident. Stylistic choices are precise and effective. The writing is skilfully developed, and the unifying effect is confidently sustained.

The student's voice is distinct and the tone is well-considered. Stylistic choices are specific and frequently effective. The writing is coherently developed, and the unifying effect is capably sustained.

The student's voice is matter-of-fact and the tone is appropriate. Stylistic choices are adequate and occasionally effective. The writing is generally clearly developed, and the unifying effect s appropriately sustained.

The student's voice is confused and/or there is no discernible attempt to address the intended audience. Stylistic choices are ineffective and/or impede communication. The writing is ineffectively developed, and/or a unifying effect is absent.






Excellent (10,9)

Proficient (8,7)

Satisfactory (6,5)

Limited/Poor (4,3)

Insufficient (INS)

Thought & Support

-how effectively has student addressed the significance & complexity of the issue

-persuasiveness & consistency of argument presented

-how well the evidence is integrated, synthesized, developed to support argument

-awareness of audience and effectiveness of voice

A perceptive & thorough understanding of the issue is demonstrated. The student's arguments are adept and convincing. Support is well-defined and purposefully chosen to reinforce the student's ideas in a deliberate and judicious way. A precise awareness of audience is effectively sustained.

A thoughtful and competent understanding of the issue is demonstrated. The student's arguments are well-considered and sound. Support is accurate and occasionally purposefully chosen to reinforce the student's ideas in a logical and clear way. Awareness of audience is sustained.

A sufficient but generalized understanding of the issue is demonstrated. The student's arguments are appropriate and straightforward. Support is relevant but general, and may be occasionally lacking in persuasiveness and consistency. Awareness of audience is generally sustained.

An incomplete, vague, or confused understanding of the issue is demonstrated. The student's arguments are oversimplified and/or inconsistent. Support is superficial, unclear, contradictory, inappropriate, or merely a restatement of what is provided in the examination. Awareness of audience may be apparent but is not sustained.

An inaccurate or minimal understanding of the issue is demonstrated. The student's arguments are of questionable logic or are unrelated to the issue under discussion. Support is irrelevant, over-generalized, or lacking. Little awareness of audience is apparent.

Writing Skills





The selection and use of words and structures are effective. This writing demonstrates confident control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.

The selection and use of words and structures are frequently effective. This writing demonstrates competent control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.

The selection and use of words and structures are occasionally effective. This writing demonstrates basic control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.

The selection and use of words and structures are frequently ineffective. This demonstrates faltering control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.